The Jackson Blazer looks back over the last 60 years of service to the Jackson Community
The Blazer’s mission over the last 60 years has been simple: “Control the narrative” “If anything has changed” said current Blazer publisher Alan Wade, “It’s we attempt to cater to a wider readership. Yes, we still want to control the narrative, but a lot has changed since 1963, including the dynamics of the African American household. We prefer to be inclusive as opposed to exclusive, and that is reflected in the pages of The Blazer.
The Jackson Blazer 60 year celebration is set for March 18, 2023 at Jackson College in the George Potter Center Dining Commons. Doors open at 5pm. “We are going to celebrate Jackson and the people that makeup our community over 6 decades”, said Wade. “I’m excited and tickets are going quickly. Dinner is served combined with Babbie Mason, Larry Sumner, and Babbie’s son Chazz Mason is a talented musician who can hold his own.”
To order order your tickets today, click the link